Wednesday 23 January 2013

Alkisah suatu petang...

Pada suatu ptg, 
Seorg shbt bertanya dgn nada yg sedih,

"Eh, knapa la ak rasa bila start jadi baik, da pakai tudung labuh aku rasa diri dah macam halimunan, xada laki lg yg nampak dri ak..xada laki yg nk tackle ak lgi.. dah mcm xlaku.."

~Lantas p'soalannya dijwb.. ~

Subhanallah! sedarlah wahai shbt tersayang.. 

kamu berhijrah pd kebaikan macam ni, makin mulia lah dr kamu di mata lelaki, 

malah makin m'jd rebutan.. 

mereka xbrani lg nk usyar2 kamu mcm dulu2 smsa kmu memperlihatkan auratmu yg tdk 

ditutup sempurna..

bkn krn mereka xnmpk kmu or kamu halimunan tp krna terbit respect yg tinggi pd kamu.. 

smoga trus istiqomah di jln ini shbt.. syg kamu krn Allah ♥

Para sahabat tercinta yg terus thabat dlm perjuangan ini.. ana uhibbukifillah abadan abada..:')

Aku tetap aku..
Apa yg aku tahu..
Aku seorang wanita..
Fitrahku sukakan diri cantik jelita..
Namun bukan cantik di mata manusia..
Tapi cantik pada mata sang Pencinta yg ku dambakan..

Tuesday 22 January 2013


Sering ku terdengar,
usikan nakal,
si lelaki pada wanita..


Buatku keliru sendiri,
apakah ertinya kecantikan wanita
di mata lelaki?
Adakah pada susuk tubuh yg menggiurkan?
Atau pada akhlak yg menawan?
Biar apa pun jawapannya,
Aku tetap aku..
Apa yang aku tahu...
Aku seorang wanita,
Memang fitrahku sukakan diri cantik jelita,
Namun bukan kecantikan di mata manusia,
Ku mencari kecantikan yg diiktiraf Tuhan yg Esa..

Thursday 17 January 2013

A friend on DEEN; is a friend INDEED!!!

Dear friend,

If Hassan Albanna is a story of a struggle,
If Umar Abdul Aziz is a story of reign,
If Bilal bin Rabah is a story of servanthood,
therefore, you and me are the story of friendship,

dear friend,

if the flowers look beautiful as it colors,
if the moon beautiful as it shining,
if the sea beautiful as it blue,
therefore, the beautiful of our friendship is because of the memory..
thank you for the love and brotherhood as beautiful as heaven.. 
our memory,you & me last forever..


LOVE analogy between parents & child..

Pencil: I'm sorry.

Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.

Pencil: I'm sorry, you get hurt because of me.

             Whenever I made a mistake, you're
             always there to erase it. But as you make my
             mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself and get smaller and smaller each time.

Eraser: That's true, but I don't really mind.You see, I was made to do this, 

               I was made to help you whenever you do something       
              wrong,even though one day Iknow I'll be gone. I'm actually happy with my job.
              So please, stop worrying I hate seeing you sad.


"Our Parents are like the eraser, where as we children

are the pencil. They're always there for their children,

cleaning up their mistakes. 
Sometimes along the way
they get hurt and become smaller (older and eventually pass on)
Take care of your Parents, treat them with kindness
and most especially love them." 

kasih sayang & rindu atas ukhuwah seindah syurga dan terpahat dlm ingatan selamanya.. Nuurnadhirah Azkah ♥
tak cantik, tak punya harta melimpah ruah,
aku hanya aku,
yang ada baikjahat nya, muliabangsat.. dan semua kau terima,

muka baru tidur aku, busuk masam aku, semua kau tahan.
terima kasih sahabat. kau ada dalam senarai nama orang-orang dalam doa aku, Amie Abllah ♥